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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Where can I find powdered sugar?

So seriously don't you hate when you set your mind to cooking/baking and you think you have all of the ingredients...and well you just don't. So as you all know I am trying to perfect my baking skills so tonight I decided I was going to make Nutella hazelnut cookies...they looked so good and they are chocolaty and rolled in powdered sugar and I already had visions of bringing them to work tomorrow and impressing my co-workers. So I set to baking and in order to bake well you have to drink some wine, right? Therefore, I pour myself a glass of red wine, light my candles and I hit my first road block...ugh my jazz channel on the tv is gone. So I text my husband in a panic,"where are the music channels on the tv?" And I get NOTHING!!! I start trying to problem solve through the first cooking dilemma, where is my cooking music? And I soon realize ahhh Internet radio on the iphone will get me through the night.

I am now on my 2nd glass of wine as I start mixing the dough for the cookies. I add in the Nutella and OH MY GOD I start eating the Nutella with a spoon with the red wine. It's ok to swear here because it is so worth it! Nutella and red wine...oh my fucking god...its like an orgasm on a spoon! By the time I pry myself away from the Nutella so there is enough to actually make the cookies I am needless to say a little buzzed (bet you are all wondering what kind of state I am in right now as I write this...hmmm some things we just don't talk about).

So I complete the cookie dough and it says that the dough needs to sit in the fridge for a few hours to harden up before I roll the dough in hazelnuts and powdered sugar. I put the dough in the fridge and I start scouring the pantry for powdered sugar. Let me just say I have a pantry with everything known to man it...random stuff, staples and everything in between...hmm but no powdered sugar. Well hell!!! I then start the debate-how do I get powdered sugar? Its 7:15 at night and here are my options-do I?
A. Beg the neighbor for powdered sugar-I don't know kind of awkward, right?
B. Drive to the store and get powdered sugar-normally the best option but after the amount of wine I have consumed hmmm...no, I don't think powdered sugar is worth a DUI and no job
C. Put the cookie dough in the fridge until tomorrow, continue to drink and write my blog

Guess what option I chose? So you see I chose option C. Wish I could enamor you all with stories of beautiful chocolaty heavenly cookies but alas all I have for you tonight is a funny story, a wine buzz and some leftover Xmas cookies that have been in a tin for 4 months. Love you all and sorry ladies no cookies tomorrow unless one of you wants to deliver some powdered sugar! Good night!

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