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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Cooking Withdrawals...

So as you all know I usually come home from work, run or workout and cook. But alas tonight I am out of ingredients and recipes for the week and I am going through withdrawals. I plan my menu/recipes during the weekend, shop and then make a recipe every night. Well I must have become over zealous this weekend because here I am on hump day and I am plum out of options. So I went for my run...so sick of running and training as I am a week and a half out from my next half marathon. I think I have ran around the entire town of Moorpark for the last 6 weeks straight. Yes, I can tell you where every water fountain and public restroom is located throughout the city...one of my claims to fame. After my run I took a shower...don't think you should cook or blog dirty and sweaty...etiquette, right? And then the anxiety started...I realized I had no recipes in my cookbook holder...bad sign...translation I cooked all of the recipes for the week. So I started pacing around the kitchen looking for ingredients in a recipe that I could piece together...however one of my goals this year was to only buy as much food as I would use. In the past I would just buy way too much food and it pained me to throw it out every week or watch it go to waste...however that meant as I paced my options for "throwing together a recipe" were limited if non-existant.

So here I sit trying to write a food and wine blog without food or wine. Hmmm....so my topic of the night has to do with my favorite foods...when in doubt talk about yourself, right? So here are my top 5 favorite foods for right now...as they are always changing...kind of food fickle ya know.

1. Can I put wine as my #1 favorite food? Oh wait this is my blog I can put whatever I damn well please. And I am not talking about cheap in a box or in a jug wine as I am not to the alcoholic stage in my wine consumption. I am in the snobby I only drink it if it tastes good or it goes down the garbage disposal without a 2nd glance stage. Love it!

2. Cheese-single greatest invention in the world. I haven't met a cheese I haven't liked. I actually like cheese so much that when I went to Ireland I tried to bring some of the cheese back but alas customs would not allow it. I even bought it in the airport-8 wedges of cheese and they told me only 1 of them could be brought to the United States. Hmmm with terrorism I thought they would have given up the cheese cause...but no its right up there with Cuban cigars...however I have successfully brought Cuban cigars into the country...but got stopped for cheese. So the customs lady felt so bad when she saw my face she offered to let me eat the 8 wedges of cheese before I boarded the plane. And although I thought about it briefly the thought of 8 wedges of cheese in my stomach during a 14 hour plane flight sounded like a recipe for disaster. So I took my 1 legal wedge of cheese and boarded the plane after watching the other 7 wedges end up in the Irish trash. And by the time I arrived at LAX my 1 legal wedge of cheese was sweaty, smelly and nasty so that 1 wedge ended up in an American trash can. TRAGEDY!!

3. Bread-there is nothing better than fresh bread! I love the smell of baking bread, the texture of fresh bread and bread with cheese and wine. My obsession with bread started at a young age during trips to NJ to visit my Grandparents. For some reason the East Coast has way better bread...and don't know why...and not just some bread but all bread...baguettes, bagels, croissants, etc. Love it!

4. Eggplant Parmesan Pizza-the last time I was in NJ to visit my Grandma we went to this little pizza parlor in Ocean Grove...yes on the Jersey Shore. And OMG I still dream of this pizza...thin crust, spicy marinara sauce, gooey mozzarella cheese with breaded and fried eggplant parmesan on top. It was an orgasm on a plate! Hmmm maybe that shouldn't be in the same paragraph as my Grandma...oh well

5. Spanakopita- my Mom makes the most amazing spanakopita...phyllo dough, lots of butter, feta and ricotta cheese and spinach. And its amazing warm but there is nothing better than the next morning eating it cold. She makes it for special occasions and when I was home a few weeks ago it was like a rush of crack through my body...ok I honestly have never used crack but it felt as good as I imagine crack would feel without the crash and the god awful side effects.

Ok well I am going to go pace around the kitchen some more...actually probably not...going to move on to reality tv. However, before I go I could use some cooking advice. This weekend I made muffins and they became kind of dense....kind of like gut bombs and this has happened to me before. Does that mean I over mixed the batter? Any ideas? Ladies, aren't you glad I brought the whoopee pies to work and not the gut bomb muffins? Good night all!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy reading your posts. Number 4 above was fantastic! Thanks!


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