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Monday, October 24, 2011

If I Were A Romantic...This Would Be The Best Recipe

So as many of you know I am truly the least romantic person on the face of the Earth. Recently I was actually described as a "love pessimist," and although I laughed out loud initially I then thought to myself..."hmm yes I am." Now is that a compliment or an insult? Either way it fits right.

 Tonight I am making Vanilla Sparkling Wine Pound Cake...doesn't just the title sound romantic and titillating. Yes, one would think so however when a recipe like this is being made by me it is far from romantic. It is more like controlled chaos!

And so when I was thinking of making this recipe I thought "ahhh if I were a romantic this recipe would be so sexy...drink a little champagne, eat some strawberries and smell fresh baked goods." Right? Yeah no!!! Instead this cake has now become a labor of love. 

So this is the sparking wine I used---ahh beautiful bottle, feminine and effervescent. But hell it has a plastic cork and I seriously think I strained my rotator cuff trying to get that friggin cork out of the bottle. There was no finesse from me when opening this cork...it was pure brute strength. I tried shaking it up, rolling it on the ground, using a towel and finally just winning by yanking the hell out of that m-f'er. Less sexy!

And ah yes we have all heard that vanilla is an aphrodisiac for men, right? Well ok this pound cake smells damn good while its in the oven but the very fact that I had to run to the store because  I ran out of sugar....pure mood kill. And since I am home alone I can't tell you if this cake is an aphrodisiac or not, all I can tell you is that walking into a Krispy Creme Donut Shop definitely does it for me more. And since I only eat donuts once a year on Thanksgiving while I watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade...now I am just frustrated thank you very much.

Ok in general this recipe is super easy as pretty much everything is thrown in the mixing bowl, but since I am on the topic of love let me share a few of my pet peeves. And let me just say if you fit one of these descriptions it is not my intent to offend you this is just me. I am that girl who when recently asked if I believed in love at first sight I thought about it for 2 1/2 seconds and said "um no...cool idea but not." So here are my top 4 love pet peeves.

1. Saying "I love you" every time you hang up the phone. This is just my opinion but I think this phrase is the single most worn out and meaningless phrase in America...will not speak for the entire world as I am not that well traveled. But really, do you truly feel love every time you hang up the phone? I am guessing probably not and in my opinion saying it to sign off at the end of a phone call just cheapens it.

2. Couple Titles-do I really care if you are my boyfriend, fiance, friend, husband, lover or one night stand? I hate titles and especially as I get older I find them more contrite. We all have a name how about we just use it. I feel like those people who are close to me will know how you fit into my life and those people who aren't do not need to know how you fit in my life. XOXO

3. PDA-ok if you want to hold hands or you are overtaken by emotion on a white sand beach in Bora Bora go for it...but is the public make-out sessions really necessary. Or those people who just make out because they think it demonstrates they are more in love than the rest of the world, really? It kind of makes me want to throw up in my mouth as it seems like these people are shouting to the world "look at me I am a whore." Just saying.

4. Couples who like alike-the soccer coach in high school had a wife who looked exactly like him-same style of dress, same haircut and same mannerisms and to this day it haunts me and kind of creeps me out. Insist is illegal. The end. Its like having a look alike dog-no its weird not cool.

So because I scream romance this labor of love is coming to work with me tomorrow. To my girls at work (M, you aren't working tomorrow) hope you recognize how much love I put into this pound cake for you. Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Danah,
    A little proofreading - #4 --Couple who look alike. And it is incest is illegal not insist.
    Sorry it is my pet peeve to see mistakes in the written word. Great article though.


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