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Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy New Year!

Let me start by saying Happy New Year! I am bound and determined to make 2012 a much better year than 2011. Although 2011 had its high points overall for me anyways it was a rough year. So 2012 bring it on let the fun, games, good food and luscious wine begin! So I didn’t make new years resolutions this year just figured really? It is now January 6th and I would have forsaken them by the 4th so really what is the point. However, I do have a few blogger goals for 2012 and here they are:
  • I want to do some articles on food products like feature a new product I tried from Trader Joe’s or Bristol Farms and give it a thumbs up or a thumbs down
  • Write more regularly! I find it to be a huge creative outlet and I need to make more time for it
  • Never cry and look like a baby on national television like the blogger named Jenna on this season of The Bachelor. She truly gives bloggers a bad name
  •  Cook for more people…it is definitely my way of expressing love and so be prepared for invitations to come over and eat
  •  Try fennel…time to face that fear
  •  Do more restaurant reviews….perfect excuse to eat out and that way when you are debating where to go for dinner you can pull up my blog and let it be your guide

Ok so I think 6 goals is pretty damn good if you ask me. So I recently just finished the book Love, God and the Art of French Cooking. Sure it is kind of a little self-helpy but it was truly an inspirational and touching book. I really enjoyed the correlations that were made between food and life and love.

            “Food is love and love is food…Every meal is the last supper….If every meal is considered as sacred as this, then it touches the soul and sparks our love. And this is why it is spiritual. Jesus knew what he was doing when he decided to teach this lesson around a table. Food isn’t just something for our bodies. If it comes from our desire to love one another, then its like a communion. It gives us spiritual life.”

I will be honest I have never been a very spiritual or religious person but this book and its lessons touched a cord for me. I have always been raised with the idea that food is love and that by cooking with love you are giving to yourself and showing love for others. The many family meals I experienced growing up definitely were some of the most sacred moments of my childhood and I hadn’t realized until I read this book just how much food has shaped me. I believe that breaking bread with someone you care about can truly be one of the most intimate and bonding and expressive moments. To be able to nourish someone with food and to connect over good conversation is truly an expression of love. So cheers to 2012 and the many meals that we will share…nourishing our bodies, mind and souls.

Ok enough of the serious talk lets talk food. So I decided to try making pizza one night after work this week. I was planning on making my pizza crust from scratch until I walked into Fresh and Easy and saw pizza dough in a bag. And I thought to myself,”damn that is fresh and easy lets try it.” The dough just needs to sit out for 20 minutes at room temperature before you roll it out and make it into pizza. And ah yes that is where my problems arose….hmmm I realized I did not have a rolling pin so the rolling out part kind of became challenging. And then I thought I could probably just shape it with my hands my stretching out the pizza dough like they do on the cooking shows when they kind of flip and stretch the pizza dough…hence lesson #2 they make it look way too easy on tv. Then I realized I did not own a round pizza pan so I decided to try and use a cookie sheet….and alas problem #3 pizza does not fit well on a cookie sheet. So hence the outcome of a pretty ugly shaped pizza. Voila!!!

The toppings were pretty good and fresh. I decided to do a version of Margharita pizza so I put some mozzarella, freshly grated Parmesan cheese, sliced tomatoes and marinated artichoke hearts. It was pretty good but because of my dough debacle there just was a little too much dough and it seemed like the toppings kinds of got lost. I did however learn something valuable from a recipe I was very roughly following and they said to slice the tomatoes (I used Roma's) and place them on paper towels for about 10 minutes to let them drain and so the paper towel will absorb the bulk of the tomato liquid thus ensuring that your pizza does not get soggy. So all was not in vain after my pizza experience. Next time though I am going to make my own dough…pretty sure I have my Mom’s recipe somewhere and I am going to purchase a pizza pan and rolling pan.

Can’t wait to continue to cook with you all in 2012. I plan on trying to make bacon and egg soup this weekend so I will keep you all posted as to how that turns out. Cheers!


  1. ok, so I don't feel so bad now that I read your comment about Jenna. Sheesh! She not only gives bloggers a bad name, women in general too. I can't believe he gave her a rose!

    I also like your goals, especially the one where {crosses fingers} we might be invited to eat... I don't mean to invite myself, but I am a huge fan after all... ~smile~

    I also like that we will be reading more of your Blog posts. Which brings me to this question. Do you want me to post my comments on your Blog or on your Facebook page?

    Thanks Danah!

  2. You are always welcome to eat my food and I canceled my FB book so comments on my blog would be great. Have a wonderful 2012. D

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. oh wow, I am glad I went back to this entry. I never saw/read your response. I had not even noticed you were missing from Facebook.

    I don't always have a comment, however, when I do, I will be glad to add it here on the blog. Also, thanks for the welcome. I look forward to an invitation. Of course, I will reciprocate and make something for you/your home in return.

    Thanks Danah!

  5. Definitely more blogging! Since you have access to one of the best pizza makers in the world ( Tom), you should get some advice from him and don't tell him you used someone else's dough. The pizza looked good. Happy New Year Danah, I hope it is your best one yet.


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