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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Detox Day #12-Leftovers & My Personal Valentine's Day Tirade

Since I have made something every day for the last 11 days I am a little overwhelmed with leftovers. My fridge definitely looks like a tornado hit it and I am completely out of Tupperware containers. I will use that as a sign that it is time for me to take a quick break from cooking. On a side note, I always know when it is time to do laundry because I am out of socks, so I figure the Tupperware thing is kind of the same idea.

So I decided to make today my leftover day. I made a strawberry protein smoothie after spinning, because I was ready to eat the world, but I plan on eating leftover egg salad for lunch and leftover soup for dinner. Btw, that soup that I made last week is amazing leftover, with fresh avocado on top of it. Yum!

Now let's talk Valentine's Day. I love LOVE or actually I love the idea of love. However, I truly have to admit that I am a little cynical when it comes to love. Sure I know one of these days I will get my ass kicked and my world will be turned upside down, but I still think even then, I will not be a huge fan of Valentine's Day. Here are my issues with this holiday:

  1. It is a commercial holiday contrived by women who feel like their men do not have a romantic bone in their bodies so we had to come up with a holiday to help them out...creative idea, but I have always been one of those if they didn't think of it well it is just not as endearing.
  2. You do get gifts, which I love, but they are guilt trip gifts. I am the woman who wants flowers because I am funny or running shoes (yes, super romantic gift) because it is Tuesday and diamonds because I am a damn good cook.
  3. This is a holiday about chocolate and I am on a detox and it is just making me grumpy
  4. I buy myself flowers, just about every week, and this week they are crazy expensive...not that I am not worth it, but even the guys on the corner have jacked up their prices....really?
  5. I can't get dinner reservations for Friday night
  6. It is not a celebration of love. It is a celebration of Hallmark, Tiffany and 1-800-FLOWERS
  7. Valentine cards are sold in boxes of 24 but the average class size is 29...or so my Mom friends tell me
  8. I think conversation hearts taste like chalk...or what I think chalk would taste like...but they are great in a disaster because they last for 5 years on the shelf...you are welcome, I know that is a helpful fact.
  9. Those heart shaped boxes of chocolate always throw in the crappy flavors mixed with the good flavors, which requires you to put your finger in every candy, just to find the one you want to eat.
  10. I am notorious for forgetting dates/events that are supposed to be meaningful in relationships and this is a holiday that gives me just another excuse to end up in the dog house.
Now I don't want you to think that this is just a bitch session so I did a little research on Valentine's Day, just to see if I could find some areas of interest to sway my opinion, and this is what I found:
  • In Japan the women give the men gifts on February 14th. The men have a separate holiday to return the favor. Supposedly this came about due to a translation error...love those. They also didn't start celebrating this holiday until 1936.
  • Now in Korea if you don't get any Valentines you get an additional holiday, Black Day, which is on April 14th, and this allows you to go out and eat black noodles, which are a sign of your sad single life. Very subtle!!!
  • This won't surprise you but the US leads the world in Valentine's Day spending, the average being around $111. Guess I get to go shopping on Friday...for myself.
  • The most popular gift in the US....roses...that is because they are on every corner (the last part is just my opinion)
  • Condom sales go up 20-30% before Valentines Day, but March sells more home pregnancy tests than any other month....hmmm
  • St Valentine, for which the holiday is named, is the patron saint of lovers and engaged couples and epilepsy....yes, ok of course all three of those go together....really?
  • Teachers get the most Valentines...that is cute!
Well tomorrow I will be back to cooking as I plan on making a roasted beet, eggplant and lentil salad. Cheers to love!


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