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Saturday, June 25, 2011

No Love Affair with Agnolotti...

So as you all know the other night I made Agnolotti with Artichoke Sauce. Ok it was pretty good, but I have to admit I think I enjoyed the wine even more than the food. But get this...this is how I know I am not really myself lately...I drank only half the glass. Call a Doctor because something is seriously not right with me or the world. I have already decided that I am ready for 2011 to be OVER because I am OVER it. Has anyone else noticed that a lot of people are just really having a challenging year? Mom, you are into astrology what is up with 2011? Is mercury retrograde for the whole year? My Mom always tells me that if things aren't going well its because mercury is retrograde...something to do with planetary alignment I believe...but not really sure since I have heard her say it for so long and I always laugh at her and have never really truly paid attention when she tries to explain it to me. I do know that you shouldn't sign contracts or travel or make large life decisions when mercury is retrograde. Oh wait I digress...

Ah yes agnolotti...well here is a picture of it...
It was very easy to make and was good leftover the next day...however it just wasn't a flavor burst in my mouth. It has lemon zest and juice in it and I didn't really care for the hint of lemon I would get every once in awhile. However, this is a good recipe to make in the middle of the week as it is fast and its good and it fills you up. http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/food-network-kitchens/agnolotti-with-artichoke-sauce-recipe/index.html

This week I plan on making Ribollita which is a soup that you can make in the slow cooker. As you all know I LOVE to take soup to work as leftovers for lunches so I thought this should be yum! And as some of you know whenever I feel a little out of sorts I eat soup. It was so bad when I was going through my divorce that ALL I ATE WAS SOUP...I was seriously out of control. One of the Sgts. I  worked with actually had to stage a soup intervention. He started off very supportive of my soup kick...I think he even made soup and brought it to work for me once....ahhh sweet...but then he let the shoe drop...is that the saying? I am so bad with sayings and I think its genetic because my Grandma and Mom are also horrible...we can jack up any saying...regardless of how common it is. Anyway eventually after a few months of a hell of a lot of soup, some weight loss, too many days of sweats (we didn't have to wear uniforms up north) he finally pulled me aside and was like seriously girl lets stop with the soup. As you can see 6-7 years later it was only a slightly successful intervention as I still eat a lot of soup...but not as much as I did for awhile and I do not wear sweats to work and my weight has been more consistent.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. I am feeling very blessed for amazing girlfriends this weekend. And I continue to be touched by people who provide me with support, guidance and laughter. And because you all know that I am loud I thought you all would get a kick out of the fact that a guy told us to "shut up" last night at Santa Barbara Bowl. Really jackass its a concert!!! Just saying!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent blog post. My Sister Marge loved making and eating soup all the time. Now that she is no longer with us, we celebrate her special days by making either an Albondiga Soup or a Cosido Soup (beef and vegetable). Soup in our family in definitely for comfort!


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