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Saturday, October 13, 2012

Bacon Peanut Butter Cookies

Yes I said bacon peanut butter cookies and yes the bacon is in the peanut butter cookies and yes they are actually pretty good. When I found the recipe in my new Joy the Baker cookbook I thought to myself,"damn these are either going to be super good or super bad," and well they were pretty darn good. They definitely scream PMS cookies as they are salty from the bacon and sweet from the sugar of the peanut butter cookie portion. I do have to say they got mixed reviews at work but I honestly think that was due to marketing...if I hadn't told anyone what was in them I think they would have been a hit. And they were well liked at home. I will honestly say I don't see myself making them again, but I enjoyed the cooking experiment...and my house smelled great after the bacon cooked.

I had never made bacon in the oven before. And this recipe called for cooking the bacon in the oven. You put it on a pan with foil on it and according to the recipe bake it for 15 minutes. I found that it took longer than 15 minutes to get it crispy, but I don't know if that is my oven or the cooking style. I definitely prefer pan fried bacon, but that is just me.

According to Joy the Baker she made this recipe to attract men. She said that men love bacon and they are pretty fond of peanut butter so she thought that if she combined them the men would fall over themselves. Well as you are well aware I work with a lot of men and that was not exactly the experience I had...I had more of the "what did you say was in those cookies, again," type of response. Or that crinkled nose, slightly confused look of," huh what."

However, let me quickly tell you a pretty funny story about how this waiter tried to hit on me the other night when I was out with a girlfriend. So he had been my waiter at another restaurant about a year ago and I had told him a year ago what I did for a living. So when he approached my table the other night while I was waiting for my friend he says something like,"...haven't I met you before...think I was your waiter at ________________." Yes, he did actually use the oldest and most cliche line known to man. Oh but wait it gets better. So I said,"hmmm maybe." And he said,"don't you work for 911." And of course I wasn't going to lie so I told him yes. I then responded with,"I am sorry I don't remember your name." And once he told me his name he said,"and your name is Nancy, right?" So under normal circumstances I might have cut the guy a break...sure he was just my waiter once, it was a year ago and I don't even know if I told him my name during our first encounter. However, for those of you who know me you will also know that I often wear a necklace and on that necklace is my name and on the night of this scenario I was wearing this said necklace and so for this dude to jack up my name, prove to me that he couldn't read and that he was slightly lame really didn't allow for any slack to be cut...just saying...the end.

Back to my cookies. After the bacon is cooked. Mix the peanut butter, sugar and molasses together in a mixer. Add the egg, baking soda and nutmeg. I love nutmeg just in case you were wondering. When its done being mixed add the shopped peanuts and the bacon. Roll the cookies in balls and roll in sugar. Place on a pan, put the peanut butter cookie criss crosses on them with a fork and throw them in an oven for 10 minutes at 350 and voila!! Yes, super easy!

Here is the link to the recipe in the event you are feeling daring and adventurous:

Hope everyone is having an amazing weekend. I am making tortilla soup as we speak so cheers my friends and I better go as I keep sneezing from the spices. Much love!


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