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Thursday, October 4, 2012

Knock You Naked Brownies from Pioneer Woman

So I decided to combine cooking and a little science experiment. Obviously I had to  make these brownies based on the name alone-Knock You Naked Brownies! Love it! They have a layer of brownie, a layer of caramel, a layer of chocolate chips and another layer of brownies. These are by far some of the richest brownies I have ever had in my entire life!!! I had a bite of one after my run this morning and now I seriously think I am in a sugar induced coma! If I only could have found a reason to justify drinking wine at 0930 and all would be right with the world.

So the Pioneer Woman said she didn't know where the name of these brownies came from and I decided it was up to me to find out...so are these brownies so delectable that your clothes actually fall off?

Great pic E!!

BTW, here is the link to the recipe before I get too carried away: http://thepioneerwoman.com/cooking/2011/05/knock-you-naked-brownies/

I decided to give these brownies to my married friends, my single friends, men and women and ask them to report back to me on the results. Were they a natural aphrodisiac? Was it the chocolate layer or the caramel layer that made them heaven? How much of the brownie did they have to eat prior to the clothes just miraculously falling off? Did they have to drink alcohol in order for the clothes to come off? Was it sexy or was it just an oops I lost my clothes moment? This is what I set out to figure out.

So first of all you make the brownie layer which is super easy: German chocolate cake mix, melted butter, evaporated milk and pecans. The recipe called for 1 cup of pecans but I thought that was pecan over kill so I only used a 1/2 cup. The recipe also called for a cake mix that was 18.something ounces and I could only find a 15 and a 21 so I went with the 15...didn't seem to cause any harm. Take half of the brownie mixture and press it into your prepared pan...oh yeah that's the other thing the recipe called for a 9x9 pan and all I could find was an 8x8...again everything seemed to be fine. Bake this layer for 8-10 minutes.

Meanwhile melt your 60 unwrapped caramels...yes this was the most labor intensive part of the recipe, the unwrapping. The recipe said to melt the caramels in a double boiler or in a glass bowl over boiling water. However, I add the caramels and evaporated milk to a bowl and threw it in the microwave and that worked just fine...just remember to stir them pretty much after every 30 seconds.

Once your brownie layer is out of the oven put the caramel layer over them. Add a layer of chocolate chips. Then take the additional brownie mixture and this is a very cool trick I thought...pat the brownie layer onto a piece of waxed paper and then pick up the paper and carefully put the brownie layer over the chocolate chips...it worked so well and it didn't make spreading difficult since it would have stuck to the caramels and chocolate chips. Then bake the whole mixture in the oven for 25 minutes.

Ok I did have some trouble getting the brownies out of the pan. The caramel made them pretty sticky and even though I greased and floured the pan not all of the brownies came out pretty. However, at least one did for the picture and that is seriously what is more important.

So back to the science experiment...I am guessing you want to know the results, right? I can only imagine that you want to know what to expect when you make these...do these brownies make your love life a sure thing or do you actually need some personality? Does it spice up the love life of those who have been married countless years? Do these brownies work better than oysters?

Why yes these are all very good questions...but seriously people this is not that kind of blog. I am all about food porn, but we all have our limits. And we all know how classless it is to kiss and tell...so I recommend you make these brownies and do a little science experiment of your own. Cheers and wink!!

1 comment:

  1. I love classlessness and loved the brownie! Looking forward to one tonight with a glass of red wine BEFORE dinner. -E
    p.s. GREAT picture of the brownie! What an amazing piece of art. You should frame it.


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