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Sunday, July 17, 2022

Small Wins

 I am pretty sure that in our crazy world right now we need to take a step back and celebrate our small wins, which when added together equal really big successes. Ladies (no offense gentleman I just can't speak for your gender), we are busting our fucking ass all day everyday and so on this Sunday night I want  to celebrate the amazing wins we have on a daily basis.

1. I brushed my hair today! I could have done a messy bun or a pineapple on top of my head, but I used a brush and I ran it through my hair.

2. I drank water. Maybe not the 16 times my body weight or some shit prescribed by a doctor, but I drank water. And it was refreshing.

3. I cried and it felt damn good. Why the fuck do we think of tears as a disaster? It was pure bliss and I needed it.

4. I showered. I live, work and dress up in yoga pants. There are many a day I don't shower because when you work virtually nobody can see all of you or smell you, and so showering is a big deal and a huge win.

5. I ate carbs - and they were magical. My family did Sunday Supper and I ate not just one type of carbs, but three because when you are sitting in front of zucchini pasta, spaghetti and meatballs, and pesto pasta....well you need to eat all three....and not feel guilty for it.

6. I rode my Peloton with Cody Rigsby - for 30 min! Sure, I could have done 45 or 60 or ran a marathon, but I am celebrating the fact that I worked out at all and that he made me laugh out loud as I pedaled on a stationary bike going nowhere.....because he made fun of a guys leaderboard name that was RICHCFO....telling the guy he had no personality. And since laughter is the best medicine it's like a practically worked out twice today.

7. I cleaned out my closet - and sure I could have a pity party over the fact that I got rid of a bunch of clothes that didn't cover my ass or that I would never wear again because my LA clubbing days are over or I can celebrate the fact that I did something productive today....and now I have more room to buy more yoga pants #winning

8. I did not run out of gas. Sure, my gas light came on as I was driving home today, but since I am good at math (not really) I knew I had 24 miles left and I decided I would be fine until tomorrow. And....wait for it....I made it home.

9. I meditated....oh wait no I didn't....but I thought about it and somedays that is all we can do. But even better, I didn't beat myself up over the fact that I didn't meditate because well  I can pretend to meditate tonight as I climb into bed....which is truly code for I will turn on meditation music and fall asleep within seconds. 

10. I didn't drink wine today. Nope absolute lies!!! I had dinner with the family and who the fuck can eat pasta without wine? NOBODY!! But maybe I won't drink wine tomorrow or maybe I didn't drink as much wine as I could have and so I am going to consider that a small wine, I mean win.

Women we are just so damn hard on ourselves as we take care of ourselves, our families, our place of business and the world....and so for a second take a step back and consider our small wins each and everyday. Hope you enjoyed mine today.


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