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Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Nebraska Fan for the Day

As many of you know yesterday was the first big day for college football. So we decided to head down to the local sports bar to watch the UCLA game (not good) and maybe the TCU game....which we didnt end up watching due to our Nebraska experience.

We went to the The Dugout in Moorpark. It is a great place to hang out, watch sports and grab a few beers. They have a full bar, good beers on tap, super friendly personnel and your typical sports bar food.

However, what we didnt realize was that at 4pm The Dugout was going to be invaded by a group called Californians for Nebraska. http://www.cal4ne.com/

They are a group of Nebraska fans, alumni or previous residents who get together every Saturday and cheer for their team. So we decided to join them....and be Nebraska fans for the day! I was thoroughly amused by their enthusiasm, team pride and strange drinking habits...they drank large beers with tomato juice in it...sadly enough I did not get up enough courage to try it.

The schools team mascot is a Husker...really a husker...as in I husk corn. Yes! Love it!

Everyone who walked in was completely decked out in red Nebraska attire...one gentleman even wearing red shoes...which when I asked he said were Italian leather...wow! Upon further discussion he said he use to play for the Yankees...love meeting the most random people. They brought their own music which they played in between the football plays, they stood up and cheered every time they scored and even knew the fight song.

We had the greatest time cheering for a team we knew nothing about, drinking beer and enjoyng the comraderie! I have definitely been recruited as I don't think Humboldt State University has a group like this...or wait maybe they do...they meet across the land every day at 4:20 to celebrate their team...not exactly what I had in mind. Oh and thankfully Nebraska won because I would hate to see this group upset!


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