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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Holly Hotel-Holly, Michigan

I love walking into places that just hold so much history that you feel like the walls hold secrets. That is exactly how I felt on Friday night when I walked into the Historic Holly Hotel. Not only is it filled with history it is also filled with ghost stories or if you are a believer with ghosts. The original structure at this location was built in 1863, however due to several fires and tragedies it has taken slightly different forms over the years, yet it still stands. This building was built originally as a hotel for a railroad crossing....in Holly, Michigan...as the railroad was built out the construction followed and this was a result of that era. The hotel is on "Battle Alley," which got its name due to the countless bar fights and brawls that occurred as a result of the transient train population.

Not the best pic of the outside but I didn't want to get hit by a car while trying to take this photo

The hotel also has a legendary ghost population. Although some are more prevalent than others there have been up to 5-6 different ghosts believed to be inhabiting the premises. This photo is of Nora Kane who was the lady of the house and is said to still haunt the house in the form of perfume smells, piano music, a female singing voice and materialization in wedding photos. Although I didn't encounter her personally I did sit by an emergency exit in order to ensure no close encounters.

Now if the ghosts are not creepy enough get this...on January 19, 1913 the hotel burned...ok bad, right? Well exactly 65 years to the date and the hour the house burned again....um that is down right spooky!! However, the building still stands and although it is not currently a hotel it is still home to a lovely restaurant and comedy club. And when you walk in the front door it is as if you just stepped into a different world, as the building is filled with antiques from mismatched silver ware and place settings to an old Betsy Ross-esque flag and wedding pictures that flank the walls.

For those of you not from the East coast let me just say that the comedy club is in the basement and although it is a blast...it is well in the basement...which makes it especially spooky. Because seriously lets be honest when we all watch horror films people either die in the basement or the attic...just sayin'.

Although the building and the furnishings are antique the food is very modern and high quality. The wine list is eclectic allowing for California, Michigan and European wines. If you are looking for over the top high end wines you are not going to find them, but their selection is perfect for the menu. We had a Cab from Manteca that was so smooth and easy to drink it was hard to pinpoint it as a Cab and I would order it again in a heart beat...not to mention the fact that I loved the label.

The first course was a tomato bisque that was reminiscent of a true tomato bisque and gazpacho. It was warm, however it had a hint of acid possibly from vinegar and cucumber that reminded me of a gazpacho. And if you are a carb lover, like I am, the homemade rosemary bread and whipped butter could have seriously kept me content for hours.

I ordered a spinach salad and it was perfect especially because it had homemade potato chips on top of it. Talk about a win/win! It also had a curry salad dressing that was out of the ordinary and very refreshing.

We ordered the scallops and the skirt steak. The scallops were cooked perfectly even though they did not photograph well on a black plate. And the skirt steak had an incredible balsamic port sauce that was too die for. We also ordered dessert but it didn't make it into our mouths until 2 days later as we were so full from dinner, but it was amazing as well.

This place was awesome and I would go back in a heart beat. The wait staff was friendly, I enjoyed the ambiance and the food made me happy. Ok sure my company wasn't too bad either. Cheers!

If you are in the area definitely check it out: http://www.hollyhotel.com/index.html


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