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Saturday, July 30, 2022

Is Positivity Killing Our Connections?


I totally believe in the law of attraction, what we put out we attract.

However, I struggle with the idea that we have to live in a constant state of positivity. Sure, I have a gratitude practice and I try to truly celebrate the amazing aspects of my life....hell I even have a sign on my wall that says "grateful," but are we losing the reality of life if we also don't recognize the challenges?

I was recently talking to a friend last weekend and we were talking about how important "real conversations" are to us. We don't want to just talk about the weather or our jobs, we want to talk about difficult things - relationship struggles, feeling not good enough, how hard it is to watch your kids grow up, the pressure we put on ourselves as women, depression and anxiety, the state of the world, and so much more.

We all  have those friends or family members who love to stay in the fluff - rattling on about what their dogs ate for breakfast or what they wore to dinner last night. And sure those conversations have a time and place, but are we losing opportunities for connection when we keep our chats on the surface? Are they burying their head in the sand instead of truly embracing the mess of life?

Now, do we also have people in our lives who truly speak only of sunshine and roses? I don't know about you, but I have some in my life. And don't get me wrong I admire their positivity, but it also makes me wonder if it's real. Is this truly how they feel or are they waxing poetic about the glory of all things life to convince themselves? Are they in denial? I also wonder if they are missing opportunities for real connection by not sharing pieces of themselves and opening up about the hardships we all encounter.

I feel like as a society we have gotten too damn good at surface connections. It is standard that when someone asks us how we are, we always say good, regardless of how we are really feeling. What would happen if we started to answer the question with the truth? Our truth.

I have started to think about whether we can have it both ways - can I believe in the law of attraction and bring amazing things into my life, yet still maintain real connections and real conversations? Because I don't know about you I don't want to attract love if we are only talking about what we are having for dinner, I want to know their fears, their fantasies, and their dreams. I don't want to attract a career, any ol career, I want to attract the career that lights me up and brings out the passion in me. And so I have started to believe that I can be positive and still be real to attract that which is important in my life. And having these real conversations and connection will bring me one step closer to attracting that which my heart desires - and if not at least I have made some amazing friends along the way.

What are your thoughts?


  1. I love reality in this! This resonates with me for sure!! I personally need REAL and always try to squeeze in the fluff and fun. Real IS so fun too though. Nice blog!

  2. Thank you and I agree with you - definitely can't lose sight of the fun in life!

  3. I think positivity is always a good thing but reality is shit will occasionally hit the fan. How you react to it positively or negatively really lends itself to you learning from it and moving on in a positive manner.

    Yes, surface connections are much more prevalent now especially in a time where it is very easy to disassociate oneself by merely picking up your phone and starting the endless swiping. Which makes developing/maintaining strong relationships that much more important. Shallow relationships are like the ocean’s tide. Strong relationships will always be there. It is up to each of us to recognize them and nurture them for the long haul..

  4. I love your perspective. And I think you are completely correct, surface is always easier. Shallow is always available. And truly at the end of the day it is truly all about how we respond and react to any situation. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts.


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