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Monday, August 1, 2022

It Is Personal

I gave notice after being with my company for a year.

There are a lot of reasons I realized my current position was not the right fit for me, however ya know how sometimes we have defining moments. In my opinion, those are those periods of time in which you have immense clarity.

I was recently meeting with my boss and he told me that "you just can't take it personally."

I realized in that moment that in every area of my life, both personal and professional, it is personal. And I also realized that the fact that it's personal allows me to live my life with passion and it is my motivation for doing a good job, making a difference. 

I am in software implementation, but not just any software, I implement the software that is in 911 Communications Centers, Police cars and Fire engines. It is personal. It is personal because I wore that headset and sat in that chair. It is personal because I was married to a Police Officer. It is personal because I have friends and family still in the industry that rely on my technology to help them make split second decisions that can be the difference between life and death. It is personal. 

I have spent the last few days telling my team, my co-workers and now my customers that I am leaving. I have been on the verge of tears for every single conversation because I have made friends, established relationships, and they have trusted me and I them. I also know that many of them will continue to stay in my life long after I have gone from the company. Because it is personal. 

I also realized that for me I should take my career personally because not only is it how I survive, but it is also how I thrive. It gives me a sense of satisfaction, allows me to give back to this vast world, and fuels my success as a human. It is personal. 

In my personal life, I have recently been told I live life differently. And ya know what I do! And I don't think that is a bad thing.  I live life as if I am not promised a tomorrow. I live life like its one giant adventure and one hell of a ride. I live life like the people that are in my life mean the world to me and need to be reminded of that regularly. I live my life as if this world has so much to teach me and share with me. I live my life as if its personal because ya know what? It is! It's my life! It is personal.

I spend my time doing what I love - cooking, Pilates, riding the Peloton, spending time with friends and family, traveling or honestly embracing whatever is in front of me in that moment. Because I take that moment personally. 

I put down my phone. I turn off the tv. I remove distractions. Because I believe in personal connections, real conversations, conversations that matter. I believe that often times people don't remember what you say, but they sure as hell remember the way you made them feel. Why? Because it's personal. 

We get one life, shouldn't it be personal? And if it isn't personal doesn't that indicate that you aren't truly living? That you aren't in the right career, relationship, living in the right place, spending time with the right people, exploring the right things, embracing the right passions. I can't answer that question for you, but I know for me that if it isn't personal then I am on the wrong path, with the wrong person, doing the wrong things.

I strive to live a life where everything is personal, not in a my feelings got hurt kind of way, but in a way that my life is made up of moments of personal connections, personal experiences, personal memories, personal passions, personal feelings, and personal motivations. 

And so in my exit interview, whether its to God, my maker, Human Resources, etc - I only have one thing to say - To Me It Is Personal.  


  1. Where is the journey taking you to next?

  2. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Wise words from a Wise Woman.

  3. Thank you! Will announce whats next soon....wait for it.....

  4. You hit the nail on the head. If it isn't personal, then you aren't doing it right. May your journey take you where you want to go, and if it doesn't, enjoy the path you are on or chose another one.

  5. You are a classy lady, Danah Palmer

  6. Danah , from a person who relied on your passion and commitment while you sat in a chair wearing a headset , thank you for taking it personal .

  7. Thank you to everyone for reading and all of the love/support!


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