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Monday, August 15, 2022

When I Grow Up

As I reflect upon another lap around the sun, I can't help but think of the way I thought my life would be when I was a child. Like many of us, my life has not turned out the way I expected. I have definitely had a lot more bumps and bruises than I ever anticipated. I do not live in the fairytale that I once thought I was destined. But ya know what? There is a lot about my life that just doesn't surprise me.

I was the child that played office. From a young age, I lived a life of "make believe" in which I spent time on flights with my stuffed animals or went to the office that existed with my desk in the closet on my Fisher Price First Computer or with a stack of colored pens (still love those to this day).

 My dress-up closet did not consist of princess dresses, but centered more on high powered business heels or my super-girl outfit. Ok, sure I probably did have a crown or two, but that is well deserved because I knew I was a Queen from a young age. 

Sure, I had baby dolls like the rest of my 5 year old friends, but I did not play Mom. And my Cabbage Patch kid was African American well before diversity and inclusion were phrases that were used in vernacular. Side Note: I actually refused to adopt a white Cabbage Patch and because I lived in white bread America, she got shipped from Atlanta to accommodate my adamant 6 year old dreams. I did not grow up ever saying,"ya know what I want to be more than life itself....a Mother."

I was not the little girl who dreamt of her wedding - picking out every detail - from the wedding dress, to the groom, to the venue. And to be honest, I have been married twice, and my ex-husbands planned both of those weddings.

And I have to chuckle because as I sit here on the eve of my birthday there is no coincidence that I am on a business trip in a beautiful hotel in a big city. I am wearing a silk blouse, dress slacks, and paten leather high heels....and super girl panties.

I have recently started a new job, a level up in my career, in every sense of the word. I have more responsibility, more visibility, more creativity and more at stake.

I travel for a living...a lot! I have 12 more states in the US to cross off my list and well a ton of countries to conquer internationally, but the amount I have learned from my travels is absolutely invaluable and I am beyond grateful for the people, places and things I have seen, heard and talked to. Truly one of the most incredible gifts of my life.

Sure, just like all of us, there are things that my heart yearns for. I would kill to have my king by my side or I haven't adopted a black baby, but what do I know....maybe those are areas of my life that are still coming. I would love to own my won home or I would kill to go to Iceland. 

I have found that every time I thought I had a life plan, I have been redirected. I thought I was going to a private college that would have set me up for a successful journalism career, but I got redirected and ended up being a 911 Dispatcher....which I loved with every ounce of my soul. I have had relationships that I thought would be my "happily ever after," but they turned out to be an incredible lesson for a period of time, a stepping stone. I have had careers that made me feel like I was compromising who I was or what I believed in, but yet I am still grateful for the incredible lessons they taught me. I have had people enter and leave my life, but they have all left an imprint on my heart, and played the role they were supposed to in this journey called life. 

And so as I sit here looking out of my hotel window - it has a beautiful city scape, there is a glass of wine in my hand, and I feel grateful for all that I have, all that I have seen, all of the amazing people in my life, and all that I have accomplished. I can say thank you for that little girl that taught me to have big dreams, follow her heart, love big even if it means breaking that big 'ol heart, and not let anyone or anything get in her way. 

So, let's raise a glass to another rotation around the sun - I hope for more success, more gratitude, more love, more alignment, more adventuress, more conversations with strangers, and more experiences that touch my heart. 

I am not done....so when I grow up.....


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