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Monday, December 24, 2012

"No Fuss Truffles"

So I have decided that Betty Crocker and I are not BFF's. The last 2-3 recipes I have made of hers just haven't been as promised. That chai bread was nasty and these truffles were just down right fussy. And in all actuality these "truffles" were actually cake balls. And granted at the end of the day they taste great they weren't as easy, pretty and festive as the recipe promised.
This is the truffle we are most proud of

I have decided that maybe to Betty Crocker "no fuss" means the following:

  • The red velvet will look so blood red when you put it in the oven that it looks like fresh blood and you are afraid of scaring your friends with your cake balls. 

  • However, when you take them out of the oven they will look more maroon and not very festive

  • Putting red cake balls in white chocolate allows for the red cake to flake off and make your white chocolate kind of "dirty" looking...yummy!

  • Having technical difficulties with the white chocolate...ok actually scorching the hell out of it in the microwave which in turn makes the house smell like burnt marshmallows over a camp fire
  • Running out of white chocolate due to the scorching and having to make half of the "truffles" with dark chocolate

  • The dark chocolate not smoothing out so you go through 2 bags of chocolate chips and 16 bowls (yes slight exaggeration) trying to melt enough chocolate to cover the cake balls/truffles

Here is the recipe in case anyone wants to try the recipe (I know I did a great job selling it, right): http://www.bettycrocker.com/recipes/christmas-truffles/c15e7b00-1a71-4bfb-ac98-15d8d177ead1

However, I do have to say at face value the recipe looked easy enough. Cook a cake mix that has red food coloring and cocoa powder added to it. That part was accomplished and my bestie and I drank champagne and watched Magic Mike while it cooled....talk about a win/win.

Once the cake has cooled add a cup of frosting to the crumbled cake and form into balls. Ok also accomplished. We did find that some of the balls were a little more squishy than expected, but this part all worked out.

Then came our challenges. We started melting the chocolate and then we started rolling our cake balls into the chocolate and we had disaster after disaster occur....cake balls falling apart, the red cake flaking into the white chocolate, the chocolate getting scorched, the chocolate getting hard and a strange consistency, yada, yada, yada.

I was super proud of us when it came to sprinkling the red sugar on the truffles...that part went off without a hitch!!

So yes at the end of the day the cake balls/truffles taste great, but they definitely are not the prettiest. However, the cooking experience I wouldn't take back for anything. It was a rainy afternoon, the fire was lit and my best friend and I had a great festive baking experience...Cheers and Happy Holidays!


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