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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Culinary School #2-Chicken

So today was a pretty big accomplishment for me. I truly languished in the false belief that all chickens already came boneless and skinless. However, those beliefs were quickly shattered when I realized I was going to have to cut apart a whole chicken for culinary school. I knew I had to face this fear and I knew it would be pretty frigging embarrassing if I vomited on the kitchen floor so I decided to put on my big girl panties and tackle my chicken.

 Let me start by introducing you to my chicken...don't worry I did not name it because thanks to some very wise advice from friends I was told once it has a name you become attached. And ya know now that I think about it that is also wise dating advice...if you refer to them with a nickname to your friends....um yeah it is probably not a very serious relationship. I took this chicken butchering one step further and didn't even give it a nickname because I really wanted to keep my emotions out of this.

So the biggest thing I learned was to follow the anatomy of the chicken and if you have to fight to cut through it you are cutting in the wrong place. I also learned:

  • To cut the breast cut around the cartilage of the breast bone, follow the knife around the wish bone and remove the breast and tenderloin. 
  • To cut the wings follow the fat lines
  • To separate the leg and the thigh cut at the natural joint
The feedback I received was that I needed to cut closer to the bone and to take that disgusted look off my face. Both of those points were accurate and completely warranted. So my chicken might not have been the prettiest or the most perfect, but it definitely was cut with a lot of pride!

Last night was a night of firsts for me. Not only did I cut up a whole chicken and conquer that fear, I also ate the chicken I cut up. We made several chicken dishes and I don't know if I was relishing in the pride of cutting the chicken, it was super fresh or the recipes were just incredible, but all and all I have to say the chicken dishes were very tender, moist and full of flavor. 

Grilled Chicken with Tapenade
Now for a few random culinary school tips that I wanted to share:
Braised Chicken w/Ancho Chili Tomatillo Sauce
  • When you add cream or wine to a sauce they should be at room temperature because you do not want to add cold to hot
  • Do not put dough on a hot filling because the fat aka. butter will melt and leave holes in your dough...not so pretty
  • If you add a 1/2 tsp of baking powder to pie crust it will make it lighter
  • If you are using dried herbs instead of fresh herbs in a recipe use 1/3 the amount called for
Braised Chicken w/Pinot Noir & Crimini Mushrooms
I also continued to practice my knife skills and here is my butchered zucchini:

Thanks for sharing in my joy and accomplishments! Cheers!


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