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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Supermarket Facts

Do you remember in high school when you would read Cosmo or Glamour and take those silly quizzes? What is your sex style? What type of boyfriend do you want? Are you a cougar in the bedroom? Ya know those type of quizzes. Well I realized this morning just how old I am as I was reading my Food Network magazine...yeah no longer Cosmo...taking a quiz called "Are You Supermarket Savvy?"

Betty Crocker

And to make matters worse I was super excited that I was learning something. So I decided to share some of my supermarket facts...guess I am on a grocery store kick this week, ay.

So get this:

  • The little tabs on bread bags are color coded to let you know how fresh the bread is and what day of the week it was baked. Not very helpful since most of us never know or noticed for that matter the color of those little tabs. But now that we know-blue is for Monday, green is for Tuesday, red is for Thursday, white is for Friday and yellow is for Saturday. Yeah I don't know why they don't bake bread on Wednesday...maybe that is in next months quiz.
  • Red is the color that makes people hungry so it is the #1 color used in packaging
  • Meat is the #1 item stolen from grocery stores...I would have guessed alcohol or cookies
  • The best time to shop is Wednesday at 9pm if you are looking forward to having the grocery store to yourself
  • Ok now this is really disappointing-Betty Crocker and Aunt Jemima aren't real people. But on the positive side Chef Boyardee, Sara Lee and Duncan Hines are real. So who is that cute 1950's house wife they always portray as Betty Crocker?
  • Oh and get this Hidden Valley Farm and Pepperidge Farm are real places. But Land O'Lakes and Hillshire Farm are not. I need to find out where Pepperidge Farm is because if there is a place that grows Mint Milano cookies on trees I am so there.
Aren't you glad you learned something today...I however did not score so well on the test...but at least it was educational...even if I will never know if I am a cougar in the bedroom. 


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