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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Cooking and Favorite Childhood Tv Show

Ok so I am a little behind on watching Top Chef so I just watched the episode where the Quickfire Challenge had the Sesame Street gang as judges. Here is a link if you missed the show. It was hysterical!
Top Chef & Sesame Street

Not only did it combine 2 of my favorite things-cooking and Sesame Street, it was also funny. My favorite character growing up was Snuffie and yes, I even have a t-shirt today with him on it. However, it doesn't get worn very often due to the fact that I am 35 and I question at what age you can continue to be cute in juvenile cartoon character shirts. But I really thought this show was creative and entertaining and a must see if you need to smile.

When I was a child there were very few shows I could watch as my Mother along with being strict in her food choices was also strict with her viewing pleasures. I remember her watching Entertainment Tonight and as a child thinking it was the most boring show on the planet. I also remember that I was not allowed to watch The Flintstones and at the ripe age of 5 being told it was "too sexist." And although I had no idea what that word meant I knew it was bad and it was something that I did not want to be. I also remember that I was not allowed to watch Scooby Doo...not sure if that was sexist as well or if that was just a random choice by my Mom. However, just like any child should in high school and beyond I rebelled against my Mothers beliefs as these banned programs became the Halloween costumes of my teens and 20's. Yes, in high school there was a group of 4 of us who dressed as Flintstones. My friend Heidi and I even made the costumes and I was Betty thanks to black hair dye and a barely there blue dress. In my 20's a group of us decided to dress up as the Scooby Doo gang...and I was brainy Velma...complete with red wig. We even had a Scooby as we took our friends Great Dane and painted large black spots on it...that dog was a trooper. And just to take the rebellion a little farther since my Mom has always been extremely liberal I also dressed up as George W. Bush one year for Halloween. Love you Mom!

Ok I digress so tonight I am making lasagna...it's in the oven so no pictures...however I did learn a valuable lesson that I thought I should pass on to you all. If you get a box of lasagna noodles and you are searching the box for how long they should cook...while they are in the boiling water...and you notice there aren't any instructions like that...but there is a yellow triangle that says "no boiling required." That means that they shouldn't be in boiling water and if you try to salvage them out of the boiling water they will fall apart. Hope this saves someone from making the same mistake as I. Thankfully I had an extra box of lasagna noodles...the kind that should be boiled in my pantry...so I am pretty sure I salvaged dinner.

Good night all!

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