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Monday, February 17, 2014

Detox Day #17-Cucumber, Apple and Mint Cooler

I don't think I have ever used my blender and food processor as much as I have in the last 2+ weeks. Between my smoothie and hummus obsession they are constantly in a state of dirty in the sink or use (yes, of course I wash them in between too). Now because I am a banana hater I do have to say that I am not fond of the fact that so many pre-made smoothies  and smoothie recipes have banana in them...please drop the banana, I beg of you.

 So when I saw this recipe in Cooking Light for a Cucumber, Apple and Mint smoothie I had to try it. I do have to admit that it sounded like an odd combination and I was fully prepared to hate it and dump it down the drain....yet I was wrong...I love it!.

It reminds me of a cross between cucumber water from a spa, a mojito minus the rum and the apple juice just gives it a hint of sweetness, doesn't really impact the flavor. This would be awesome after a hot summer run!

And it doesn't get much easier than throwing the following ingredients into a blender:
1 cup cucumber, peeled and chopped
1/3 cup frozen apple juice concentrate, thawed
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup chopped mint
10 ice cubes

The other thing I discovered today, for those of you who are also detoxing, chicken sausage that is nitrate free. I found these in the meat section at Whole Foods and they are spicy and yummy! Just throwing some options out to you all as we explore this new detox territory.

Now on a side note, I don't really know if there is a correlation, but I have been battling with a calf injury for a little over a month and a half now. It has felt like a giant charlie horse in the middle of my calf, sometimes radiating down to my ankle. It has benched me from running distance and has felt incredibly tight when I did other forms of cardio. Well starting last week it just disappeared. I did a quick 3 mile run last week and it was the first time I have ran in forever that was pain free and today I ran 5 miles without any problem. I was seriously so happy I almost cried, but that would have been a little dramatic. I haven't changed anything except this detox, so I don't know if they are related, but interesting coincidence all the same. Whatever it is I am just happy to be running again. Cheers!


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