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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Detox Day #26-Leftovers and My Nor Cal Tribute...

My fridge is being over ran by leftovers since I have been cooking every night. It is packed! And so after yoga, since I was feeling all chill and zen, I decided to have leftover chicken curry, watch some Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and enjoy the rain. Yes, to all of you who are not in So Cal, yes it is raining. Which is what made me think of the good 'ol days when I was a Nor Cal girl and rain was an every day occurrence. I have definitely become a So Cal girl, however my heart will always be in Humboldt. So this is my Nor Cal tribute...

You know you are a Nor Cal Girl....

  1. When you move to Southern California and you have no idea how to use sprinklers...how to program them, how to turn them on, how to turn them off. 
  2. When you think "Storm Watch 2014," is lame because it is rain...nothing more...no wind, no hail, no torrential down pour...just run of the mill every day rain.
  3. When you think every driver in So Cal is dumb because when it rains they act as if Noah should start building another ark. 
  4. When you have actually seen people who sit in trees and I am not talking about kids who climb trees for fun. I am talking about adults, who build platforms and sit in trees for months to protest the cutting of said tree and they have their friends bring them food and cart away their waste...this is not a joke. 
  5. When you move to So Cal and you do not own a pair of shorts, however now after 9 years in So Cal you do not own a jacket
  6. When you can smell weed from miles away and it reminds you of home, kind of like fresh baked cookies to the average child, weed is to me. 
  7. When you are afraid you are going to mildew. You just always feel moist, not in the sexy way, in the I stepped in a puddle and my feet might rot way. 
  8. When you do not put "the" in front of every freeway name. We just call it 101. Whereas, in So Cal it is "the 101," or "the 405."
  9. When you can't tell what season it is because it is always overcast...maybe slight seasonal changes as it goes from different shades of grey...not the S&M 50 Shades of Grey...more like fog, overcast, rain, more rain, dark...shades of grey.
  10. When on any sunny day everyone runs to the beach...yes it is 54 degrees and sunny...beach...must go to the beach and pretend it is tropical...nothing like wearing a parka on the beach...super sexy!
  11. When you know how to play hacky sack...yes they are still out there. 
  12. When you only had logging industry mascots in school...in high school it was the loggers...in college it was the lumberjacks...love it!
  13. When you have been unable to get home or leave home because the airport is too foggy for planes to fly...great idea let's build a commercial airport at a destination that was used to train WWII fighter pilots how to fly in poor fog conditions...brilliant!
  14. When you have been chased by an elk, heard a mountain lion on a hike and had a pigeon land on your head. 
  15. When the scent of patchouli does not make you want to gag...it just reminds you of a certain plaza near a college you might have attended.
  16. When you have hugged a redwood tree
  17. When you feel like reggae music is the sound of your people, yet you are not black and you are not from Jamaica. 
  18. When you had a shirt that looks like an Adidas shirt but it is actually a pot leaf instead
  19. When your first concert was when you were 6 months old and you saw Bonnie Raitt...however your paths crossed again during your law enforcement career. Hmmm... 
  20. When you have seen every member of the Marley clan live, with the exception of Bob (and that was just due to your age) 
  21. When you have been duck hunting, deer hunting, 4x4'ing and wrastlin...because that is what red necks do. 
  22. When you had extreme weather tires on your Audi because the cool tires would make you hydroplane and crash, 
  23. When you had a dress that you loved as a kid that had mirrors on it...yes mirrors and it was embroidered and screamed,"I am a hippie child."
  24. When as a child you didn't understand why you couldn't have dreads
  25. When rain does not phase you-you run in the rain, you can drive in the rain, you will not melt in the rain,you love to fall asleep in the rain and you love long kisses in the rain 
So to all my Nor Cal friends, family and blog readers- love you guys!! To my So Cal friends, family and readers- thanks for bringing me to the dark side. And to all my friends, family and readers from elsewhere-XOXO hope I gave you a good laugh! Cheers!


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